Shreveport Force Cross Country is organized under the Shreveport Home School Sports organization and board, being subject to their rules and regulations. Please read over the policies. You can find them at
Cross Country typically involves a race of a 5k (3.1 mile) distance for boys and either a 5k or 2-mile distance for girls. They will run over varying terrains including grass, dirt, and occasionally pavement.
The Force Cross Country team will competes in Louisiana and east Texas.
*Ages: Shreveport Force Cross Country is for homeschooled students currently in 6th-12th grades.
Practices begin Saturday, July 27, at 8:00 AM at Walker Place Park by Brookshire
Grocery Arena. Practices will last about 90 minutes. Please be on time, wear a watch,
Through the end of August, practices will be:
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm
Saturdays, 8:00 am
Practices will be mainly at Walker Place Park and the Wildlife Refuge in South Bossier,
but we may choose another location occasionally. We will post on TeamApp if we will not
be at Walker Place.
Beginning in September, practice times will change to:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-7:00pm. Saturday practices will stay the same if
there is not a meet that day.
Athletes must make practices a priority or they will not be registered for meets.
Please come to practice in comfortable athletic attire and proper running shoes. Keep
in mind that we are a co-ed team and boys and girls will be working out together. We
encourage athletes to layer bike shorts under their running shorts if needed. Shirts must
be kept on during practice.
Since we will only meet for two to three practices per week, daily workouts will be given
to the athletes on a weekly basis. The athletes are responsible for making sure to get
their at-home workouts in. It will make a huge difference in their performance on race
We aim to have the team compete in 5-7 meets this year, plus we may do a local road
race. Most XC meets will be within a two hour drive of Shreveport and most are on
Saturday mornings.
Sat, Aug 24, ALL @ Tyler Legacy, Tyler TX
Fri, Sept 13, HS team @ Hallsville, TX
Sat, Sept 14, MS team @ Border Dash in Bossier
Sat, Sept 21, ALL @ Bishop Gorman, Tyler, TX
Sat, Sept 28, ALL @ Mt Pleasant, TX
Sat, Oct 5, ALL @ Bishop Noland, Lake Charles, LA
Sat, Oct 12, ALL @ Brook Hill, Bullard, TX
Sat, Oct 19, MS team @ Benton MS, Benton, LA
HS @ Beta Chi’s Zombie Run 5K, Shreveport
Sat, Nov 2, ALL @ ACEL State, Pineville, LA
$200 for the first athlete in the family. $180 for other athletes in the same family.
This covers the cost of uniforms, team entrance fees for the XC meets, a XC t-shirt, and
administrative costs. Athletes are also responsible for their own registration to
any local road races we do (Local road races are optional, but they are a lot of
Athletes will be responsible for purchasing their own:
*good pair of running shoes (we recommend having an evaluation at Sportspectrum,
even if you do not intend to purchase from them, The right shoes make all the difference
with injury prevention!)
*a watch with a stopwatch function (you can get these at Walmart or Academy for about
$15). GPS watches are super helpful but not required.
*The local road races are not covered by the XC fees and each athlete will need to
register on their own if they’d like to participate in those.
*Cross country spikes/racing flats are optional.
Email with any questions!